Floor Openings
Flat Saw Cutting is the process of cutting concrete slabs with a diamond blade. The most common method of flat sawing is using a push behind Roadsaw to cut pavement over concrete or to create a trench or opening through a concrete slab.
We can provide our customers with several options when it comes to Flat Sawing. We are equipped to Sawcut using gas, electric, or hydraulics. We are able to cut up to 30” in depth with Diamond Blades and are equipped to go even deeper with our Wire Saw setup.
Saw Cutting provides an advantage when breaking concrete is not allowed. Saw Cutting is the easiest, cleanest, quietest and most cost effective way to cut concrete.
Our customers rely on us to Sawcut for several purposes. Here are a few:
-- Road/Pavement Work (Street and Sewer)
-- Plumbing and Electrical Trenches
-- HVAC Duct and Vent Floor Opening
-- Renovations (New Staircase, Elevator)
-- Bridges and Highway Demolition
-- Precast Concrete Cutting